We also supply corner pieces. We do also have the capability to make corten steel edging to your specific requirement by offering bespoke lengths and heights (100mm minimum) Please contact our sales team at sales@buymetalonline.co.uk or call on 0191 264 6464 to discuss your requirements.
Feb 13, 2022 · Your garden borders are a key consideration for how to plan your garden design with a specific look and feel, so it's worth spending the time getting them right. The layouts for our six different garden border planting ideas are for a 3x6.5ft (1x2m) space, but this can be scaled up or down depending on the size of your plot.
Corten steel is covered by NF EN 10025-5. Patented model, the CORTEN edging allows the realization of ALL shapes and contours without tools: right, sharp or obtuse angles, curves of all rays or just straight lines. Use the CORTEN edging to delineate your lawns, your driveway or your garden.
Oct 6, 2021 · Read our back-to-basics guide on how to create the perfect garden border for your space. It includes design, soil type, sun and shade, planting style and choice, colour, height, wildlife and maintenance. Borders are gardens' high-season horticultural extravaganza; a triumphant carnival of colour and expression, in perfect riposte to winter’s
Just contact or friendly sales team on sales@buymetalonline.co.uk or 0191 2646464 corten steel water table is a modern and practical way to introduce a water ...
Eco Lawn. A simple yet beautiful example of how artificial grass combined with stepping stones and corten steel edging can transform the landscape of a home. ** 100% usable all year round ** Permeable (free-draining) ** Pet friendly (robust and easy to manage bacteria and odour). ** Child-friendly (Non-toxic and soft-fall rated).
May 27, 2022 · 18 garden edging ideas to recreate in your outdoor space. Whether you're looking to update your backyard or front yard landscaping, these looks will get you inspired. 1. Keep it contemporary with Corten steel edging. This smart setup was spotted at Kate Gould's Out of the Shadows garden at Chelsea Flower Show 2022.
11. Fountains. 12. Corten Steel For Raised Garden Beds. Raised garden beds are a great use of corten steel. They are very attractive, even in the wintertime when they may have no plants growing in them. If you ever decide to change things up a little, they can easily be emptied and moved to another location. 13.
Apr 29, 2022 · This beautiful brick border lends a cheery note to the driveway and looks good year-round. An imaginative mix of evergreen grasses, white flowering leucanthemum, and valerian create a relaxed and contemporary feel – perfect for brightening a part-shady spot. Hardy and happy growing in poor soils, they also need very little care and attention. 8.
Feb 27, 2021 · Corten steel landscaping is a new way to design a garden. Check these 16 ideas for inspiration. What is Corten Steel? Also called the weathering steel, cor-ten steel is maintenance free. It is developed to eliminate the need for painting. It is a group of steel alloys that form a stable rust-like appearance if exposed to the weather for several
May 27, 2021 · Choose a bird bath bowl that mirrors your garden’s style. This large copper leaf design looks right at home amongst exotic planting and tropical garden ideas. Birds can easily perch and drink from the gently curving shape and the raised ribs provide extra grip too. 13. Encourage insects and birds with a pond in a pot.
Mar 9, 2023 · 57 Modern Garden Edging Ideas (For Low Maintenance Borders) Written by: Alexandra Uren Updated: March 9, 2023 19 Minute Read Reader rating: Table of Contents My Favourite Garden Border & Edging Ideas 1. Utilise Leftover Breeze Blocks 2. Raise Beds with Corten Steel 3. Utilise Curved Edges 4. Keep Edging Minimal 5. Add Dimension with Pebbles 6.
Apr 15, 2021 · White Noise. Above: Inside the courtyard, Pedersen Associates used a burbling fountain to block sounds from neighboring properties. “Visual privacy is important,” said Pedersen, “but if you can hear the neighbors talking on the phone, the effect is often lost.”. Water features are underutilized as privacy solutions, he says, “but they
May 7, 2021 · Learn how to create a garden border, using our expert flower border design tips. BBC Gardeners' World Magazine. Choose the right border shapes for your garden, with the help of our garden border design tips.