Mar 3, 2021 · Stock Tank Planter. You can plant an entire vegetable garden or flower bed in a stock tank. Since they’re made for the outdoors, this large planter will last for many, many seasons.
Mar 3, 2021 · Stock Tank Planter. You can plant an entire vegetable garden or flower bed in a stock tank. Since they’re made for the outdoors, this large planter will last for many, many seasons.
Jun 11, 2022 · The tropical hibiscus is very sensitive to cold temperatures, looking its best in the 70 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit range, and shutting down when temps drop below 50. USDA Hardiness Zones: 5-11. Flower Color Varieties: Various, including white, red, pink, yellow, orange. Light: Full sun, partial shade.
Sep 11, 2023 · Dahlia. Laurie Black. Dahlias are arguably one of the most beautiful fall flowers for pots. They thrive in full sun, but can also thrive in a little shade if your pots are near trees or on a covered patio. Dahlias come in a wide range of colors, shapes, and sizes, but shorter varieties work best for containers. 09 of 15.
May 1, 2022 · 10. Pick white flowers for a cool summer vibe. Stick to a single color scheme for a classic look. (Image credit: Leigh Clapp Photography/Future) Choosing one color for your planting scheme is an easy way to create a professional look for your containers and none is more elegant than white.
Jun 15, 2023 · Then add the flowering plumbago around that. On the outermost edges, fill in the gaps with basil and rosemary, alternating the two if you wish or placing them on opposite sides of the container. Clip and use the basil frequently—this will help it grow and keep it from overtaking the rest of the display. 02 of 115.
Jun 15, 2020 · Butterfly Landing Strip. The mishmash style of a cottage garden would look out of place with this formal brick mailbox. Although the growth habit of coreopsis is unconstrained, the single cheerful yellow tone unifies the look. An added bonus is the visiting red admiral butterflies that feed on coreopsis flower nectar.
Jun 15, 2023 · Sometimes simplicity is best! On Sutton Place reminds us of that. These pre-potted hanging fern and popped it right into the planters. This also works if you want to buy the beautiful pre-arranged hanging flower arrangements. You can simply trim off the hanging basket hook and pop it into a pretty front porch planter.
Jun 24, 2019 · Low-Maintenance Annual Flowers: Zinnias. When these adaptable flowers get full sun, they can grow up to three feet in height. However, they will also do well in shade. Drought-tolerant zinnias grow fast. Because they’re annuals, they transform from seed to flower in record time and their blooms last all summer long. 5 / 11.
Apr 20, 2023 · Dracaena. These low-maintenance plants, also known as Madagascar dragon trees, prefer bright, indirect sun, but can tolerate low light. Their sword-like leaves with bold red or purple edges give
Feb 5, 2022 · Kaufmanniana tulips, also known as water lily tulips, are another good choice for container gardening ideas. They are early to flower in spring (typically March and April) and feature flowers like miniature water lilies on short stems which are often bi-color. 5. Add a jolt of yellow for a classic spring vibe.
Mar 5, 2021 · Violas. Although usually grown as an annual, violas are frost-tolerant and many overwinter successfully. Their compact size and free-flowering habit are a good fit for container gardening. There are a range of bright, festive colors, including white, lilac, purple, yellow and orange.
Aug 15, 2023 · Plant them full of fall chrysanthemums in gold and burnt orange. Place one on a tall stool and one on a foot stool in front of it. Add a pot of ornamental kale to add a spot of glaucous green. 28. Antique Chair with House Number Front Door Flower Pots. Source:
Jun 22, 2023 · Bloomscape Bamboo Palm. $229 at Bloomscape. Credit: Bloomscape. Bamboo is known to symbolize good luck and abundance, so it's the perfect sentiment to place by your front door and present to
If you’re interested in decorating your garden without breaking the bank, here are 20 Low-Budget Garden Pots and Container Projects you can make at home. Throughout the gallery below, you’ll find inspiration for transforming your garden into the exact place you want it to be, so we hope you’re ready to get decorating today!
Oct 19, 2023 · Many of the techniques below include priming or sealing the pot before you begin painting. Of course, a base layer of white paint is a great way to make colors pop. Do not be afraid to mix and match the ideas below to create a technique that works for you. 1. Whitewashed Terra-Cotta Pots for a Farmhouse Feel.